Two point hospital ps4 release date
Two point hospital ps4 release date

two point hospital ps4 release date

While Two Point Campus feels very much in the same vein as its predecessor, Two Point Hospital, you have a lot more items from the onset to put your own touch on each campus, and the relationship system adds an interesting new challenge. We’re super excited for you to jump in and start building your very own healthcare empire, so what are you waiting for! The Two Point Hospital: Jumbo Edition is out today on PlayStation 4.We recently went hands-on with Two Point Campus, and it looked like the game was taking steps in a positive direction. So, always remember to place lots of recycling bins, grow your own food in every level and place lots of greenery around the hospitals, otherwise you might find yourself losing money when an inspector comes your way! Sam: It’s all about going green in Off the Grid. Forgive the expression, but I was sitting on Chocolate Shorts for about a year before managing to get it into the game. There’s Roadstool, Bodily Druids, Stumble Bum and my personal favourite, Chocolate Shorts. I like Woodworms, where sufferers look like little wooden puppets, the cure for this is essentially being eaten and spat out by a giant whale. Harry: I’m a big fan of the illnesses in Off the Grid, they’re all very earthy! A lot of camping and nature-based illnesses. Each of your green energy machines, whether it’s a wind turbine, solar panel or hydro-dam, will increase the power capacity of the hospital. Instead, you’ll need to build green energy machines to stay switched-on and self-sufficient. Windsock City doesn’t rely on the usual means of power. The final level, Windsock, is a giant eco-city that the Mayor has, very humbly, built using tax-payer’s money.

two point hospital ps4 release date

In Old Newpoint you’ll grow your own food, which puts pressure on your hospital’s layout and size, as the food and water will require a lot of dedicated space in your hospitals. The second level, Old Newpoint, is a little town where people have opted for an older way of life, to the point where they’ll knock down old buildings and build newer ones to make them look older.

two point hospital ps4 release date

The first level, Wanderoff, is almost like a big hippy-commune and focuses on health and wellbeing of staff, patients, and your hospital attractiveness to generate money. Sam: The core idea for Off the Grid was environmentalism. She recently discovered it pays to go green in this time of poor voter polling, so she goes on a campaign trail to tell the world she’ll provide healthcare for everyone participating in her initiative because frankly…the dead can’t vote. To secure her place in office… ahem, we mean, to support the green-minded community, Two Point County’s ever-present mayor, Tabitha Windsock, founded the Department of Green Things. In Two Point County, voter research has repeatedly suggested that the public’s number one concern is with the environment. It’s quite a nice twist, because the DLC starts by exposing these aliens that are trying to infiltrate your hospitals, and by the end of it you’re helping them stay here rather than sending them home. My personal favourite being Lack of Humanity, where you’re actually turning these aliens into people so they can integrate with society in Two Point County. Harry:Throughout the DLC you’ll be encountering lots of different space-themed illnesses. The levels really do go from strange happenings to full-blown government cover-ups as you get deeper and deeper into this crazy conspiracy. Sam Webley: Close Encounters has three brand new areas: there’s Goldpan, a small town where rumours of a UFO crash landing began, Camouflage Falls, a town that doesn’t really exist, housing a massive military base, and Chasm 24, a secret government facility.

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The basis of the idea came from our Creative Director, Gary Carr after watching far too many conspiracy TV shows on Roswell, Area 51 and the like. Harry Puttock: Alien conspiracies might sound a little “out there” for a hospital sim game, but we really wanted to go for something a little more fantastical and push the boat out, which is exactly what we did for Close Encounters.

Two point hospital ps4 release date